Saturday, May 14, 2022
Oakwood High School
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 Thank you IIAAD 

Thank you so much to Rob Stephens and the Independent Insurance Agents Association
of Dayton for their generous donation to Noble Circle
 to help Miami Valley women “thrive beyond cancer."

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The Noble Circle Project
 a community of women thriving beyond cancer.


Nutrition Education

Because of its impact on our overall well-being, whole foods nutrition is emphasized throughout all of our programs. As one of the three Noble
Circle Project Pillars, the Nutrition Education program:

  • Is designed by a licensed dietician

  • Includes hands-on cooking instruction

  • Uses organic, whole-foods that can benefit the entire family
    (unrefined, unprocessed, chemical, and preservative free) 

  • Provides 100+ recipes for healthy dishes that taste great! NOTE: Noble Circle Sisters may access recipes by signing in to Member Side of website.

Complementary Energy Techniques

Complementary Energy Techniques refer to methods that promote well-being. Beginning with the New Sister Program Retreat women have the opportunity to experience the benefits of a variety of methods including:

  • Qigong (pronounced "chee-gong")

  • Reflexology

  • Reiki

  • Therapeutic massage

  • Guided Imagery

During the New Sister  and Project Sisterhood Programs,   participants receive instruction in the practice of Zhineng Qigong, the “form” of qigong which serves as the foundation for all of Noble Circle’s energy work.

This mind-body practice melds slow graceful movements and mental focus to boost and balance our qi, or vital life energy. Dating back over 1,000 years, highly effective moves have been integrated into “forms.”

At gatherings of The Noble Circle Project, the Sisterhood often receives continuing instruction in qigong . Individual home practice is encouraged.

If you would like more information about qigong, check out the website of Master Liu, a Chinese Qigong Master who has worked with members of The Noble Circle Project on several occasions,

Peer Support 

The Noble Circle Project works to foster a safe environment for sharing and support. Within a small circle of new friends, women entering the program confidentially share stories – helping everyone learn to deal with the emotional and spiritual issues that can accompany a cancer diagnosis.

As time goes on, a bond of deep sisterhood is forged, creating a network of resources for each woman on her journey to well-being.

Opportunities for Peer Support are provided through numerous activities, focused on health and well-being, through both the New Sister Program and Project SisterhoodSisters also support one another through our private Facebook account and interactions outside of scheduled Noble Circle activities.

In addition, Noble Circle Sisters support one another through the countless volunteer hours devoted to delivering our programs and services.and sustaining the organization.

Follow Us

about us

Hello and welcome. We are a community of women thriving beyond cancer. We provide inspiration, empowerment and hope by focusing on nutritional education, peer support, and complementary energy techniques. 

contact us

The Noble Circle Project

2555 S. Dixie Drive, Suite 105
Dayton, OH 45409

Phone: 937.674.5566


support Us

With the support of families, friends, and businesses throughout the greater Dayton area, we can provide our services at no cost to women learning how to thrive beyond cancer. For more information, click here or email

The Noble Circle Project  is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
 2023 The Noble Circle Project

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